My Story
Here's my story of what brought me to this work, and why I'm so passionate about what I do.
Like so many of us, I used to struggle with people-pleasing. I had trouble identifying my own voice, thoughts, and words. Joy and passion eluded me. I was out of touch with my essence, and self-care was a foreign concept to me.
Back then, I believed I had to do everything, and I had to do it perfectly. I believed I had to temper myself and my emotions. I defined myself through others. I believed the more I did, the more success and joy would come to me.
I was muted version of myself – still me, just not the vibrant me.
I was in a comfortable, safe bubble. This bubble included a great career in the corporate world. Over time, however, I began to yearn for more. I tapped into a desire to transform towards profound truth, love, prosperity.
That’s when I surrendered and asked for help.
I went to my first retreat, and a whole new world opened up for me.
I started listening to myself. Yoga and meditation helped me connect my body to my heart and mind. I allowed myself to feel. I found my voice, emotions, and vulnerability. I kept moving forward instead of spiraling. I no longer settled. I began to feel connected to something bigger than myself. I began to take care of myself and past barriers started opening and releasing. My interior struggles became less. I was thirsty to expand, grow and experience a life of ease and purpose.
I started to bloom at work. I realized I could be my whole self there. I realized I could live with a purpose. I could have a life full of love, joy and bliss. I discovered there is more and it is mine to have, nurture and sustain. I was more willing to surrender.
That's when I decided to leave my corporate job. While I loved the people I worked with and what I was doing, I was ready to align my purpose more fully with my profession.
Now I am on a mission to serve. I'm here to align my heart to my work and align my work with my higher calling, which is to help people like you flow down the river of life with grace and ease – to find the endless joy within – and be in Love every moment of every day.
It would be my honor to help you experience beauty in all things and people – to be liberated and free – to be AMAZED and AMAZING – and to get to the end of this journey feeling blissful contentment.
Back then, I believed I had to do everything, and I had to do it perfectly. I believed I had to temper myself and my emotions. I defined myself through others. I believed the more I did, the more success and joy would come to me.
I was muted version of myself – still me, just not the vibrant me.
I was in a comfortable, safe bubble. This bubble included a great career in the corporate world. Over time, however, I began to yearn for more. I tapped into a desire to transform towards profound truth, love, prosperity.
That’s when I surrendered and asked for help.
I went to my first retreat, and a whole new world opened up for me.
I started listening to myself. Yoga and meditation helped me connect my body to my heart and mind. I allowed myself to feel. I found my voice, emotions, and vulnerability. I kept moving forward instead of spiraling. I no longer settled. I began to feel connected to something bigger than myself. I began to take care of myself and past barriers started opening and releasing. My interior struggles became less. I was thirsty to expand, grow and experience a life of ease and purpose.
I started to bloom at work. I realized I could be my whole self there. I realized I could live with a purpose. I could have a life full of love, joy and bliss. I discovered there is more and it is mine to have, nurture and sustain. I was more willing to surrender.
That's when I decided to leave my corporate job. While I loved the people I worked with and what I was doing, I was ready to align my purpose more fully with my profession.
Now I am on a mission to serve. I'm here to align my heart to my work and align my work with my higher calling, which is to help people like you flow down the river of life with grace and ease – to find the endless joy within – and be in Love every moment of every day.
It would be my honor to help you experience beauty in all things and people – to be liberated and free – to be AMAZED and AMAZING – and to get to the end of this journey feeling blissful contentment.